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發表於 : 週五 8月 07, 2009 11:15 am

SQ3R代表什麼呢?S代表Survery即綜覽,Q代表Question即發問, 第1個R代表Reading即閱讀,第2個R代表Recite即背誦,第3個R代表 Review即溫習。概括來說,SQ3R代表學習過程中的五個步驟。


  這是找尋內容大意的過程,是學習過程中的第一步。因為無論學 習什麼,必須先明白大意,才能有系統的詳細學習。

  要略略的綜覽一本書,並不算難,只要看序言和目錄便可。在序 言中,作者會告訴你他寫書的對象、目的和範圍。看了目錄,你就會 知道該書大致的內容和內容排列的次序。如果還要知道每章的大意, 你就該看每章的大小標題、繪圖和表格了。

  標題是用來標明每段的中心思想;如果你注意大小標題的編排方 式和次序,又略讀每段的內容,就可明白整章的大意了。繪和表格常 常是用來表達或整段的意思,所以在綜覽時應該加以注意。


  求學問必須發問。發問使我們認清楚自己要學的是什麼。而且自 問自答不但會引起我們學習的興趣,會使我們對所學的特別深刻的印 象。自己找出來的答案,總比從別處得來的更易記住,而且記得更牢 。

  在綜覽的時候,你該問:「主題是什麼?」「作者要說的是什麼 ?」「作者怎樣證實他的觀點?」「我應該怎樣在報告或論文中利用 這些資料?」這一類的問題。如果你現在能訓練自己常常這樣問,將 來就會成閱讀時自然發問的良好習慣了。


  閱讀的方法有很多種,綜覽就是其中的一種。但是這裡所指的, 是在學習的過程中明白了大意,提出了有關問題以後的詳細閱讀。這 樣閱讀的目的,基本上是為了徹底明白書中的詳細內容,但實際上也 常常是為了要答習題,作報告或論文。

  所以閱讀的速度不但不能太快,而且還常常要閱讀幾遍才能達到 目的。在學習的過程中,這是最長的一個步驟。

  這種閱讀最要緊的的是積極。換句話說,閱讀時要緊緊記著自己 的目的,積極地尋找自所要的。閱讀時也要特別留意表格、繪圖和用 特種字體排印的詞句。前二者常常是簡潔的表達出書中的意思,後者 則常常是代表內容的扼要。但是「盡信書不如無書」,我們必須評論 自己所讀的。

  對於非科學性的文章,尤其是要小心考慮作者的立場和立論。當 你發現所讀的和自己的觀點有衝突時,更應該仔細思考,找出原因。 這樣你就會漸漸的培養出健全的判斷力,更不致變成一隻蛀蟲了。


  背誦就是大聲的背念。當然死背書是無益的。但是背誦自己所理 解的功課卻是學習的好方法。閱讀的時候,應該常常背誦要點。考試 前溫習,更要多用背誦的方法。背誦使我們在讀書時不致作白日夢, 幫助我們緊記學過的功課,也常常使我們察覺,糾正一些自己原有的 錯誤觀念。


  溫習的過程和綜覽相似。綜覽一章書的時候,是用大小標題來找 出整章的大意。溫習的時候,是藉著這些標題使自己把各段的要點重 複記憶一遍。第一次的溫習應緊接著前四步的學習過程,這樣要溫習 的功課還未遺忘,而且也不多,溫習的時間就不會太長。

  最後一次的溫習是在考試之前。這一次要溫習的書很多,而且也 必須溫得熟。所以在考試前應預先規定充分的時間來學習,溫習時也 應多用背誦的方法;而且在這最後一次的溫習之前,除了第一次的溫 習之外,應該還有兩次的溫習。

Re: 給波蘭醫學生的第二堂課

發表於 : 週五 8月 07, 2009 11:21 am
desktop 寫:03-讀書秘訣

SQ3R代表什麼呢?S代表Survery即綜覽,Q代表Question即發問, 第1個R代表Reading即閱讀,第2個R代表Recite即背誦,第3個R代表 Review即溫習。概括來說,SQ3R代表學習過程中的五個步驟。


  這是找尋內容大意的過程,是學習過程中的第一步。因為無論學 習什麼,必須先明白大意,才能有系統的詳細學習。

  要略略的綜覽一本書,並不算難,只要看序言和目錄便可。在序 言中,作者會告訴你他寫書的對象、目的和範圍。看了目錄,你就會 知道該書大致的內容和內容排列的次序。如果還要知道每章的大意, 你就該看每章的大小標題、繪圖和表格了。

  標題是用來標明每段的中心思想;如果你注意大小標題的編排方 式和次序,又略讀每段的內容,就可明白整章的大意了。繪和表格常 常是用來表達或整段的意思,所以在綜覽時應該加以注意。


  求學問必須發問。發問使我們認清楚自己要學的是什麼。而且自 問自答不但會引起我們學習的興趣,會使我們對所學的特別深刻的印 象。自己找出來的答案,總比從別處得來的更易記住,而且記得更牢 。

  在綜覽的時候,你該問:「主題是什麼?」「作者要說的是什麼 ?」「作者怎樣證實他的觀點?」「我應該怎樣在報告或論文中利用 這些資料?」這一類的問題。如果你現在能訓練自己常常這樣問,將 來就會成閱讀時自然發問的良好習慣了。


  閱讀的方法有很多種,綜覽就是其中的一種。但是這裡所指的, 是在學習的過程中明白了大意,提出了有關問題以後的詳細閱讀。這 樣閱讀的目的,基本上是為了徹底明白書中的詳細內容,但實際上也 常常是為了要答習題,作報告或論文。

  所以閱讀的速度不但不能太快,而且還常常要閱讀幾遍才能達到 目的。在學習的過程中,這是最長的一個步驟。

  這種閱讀最要緊的的是積極。換句話說,閱讀時要緊緊記著自己 的目的,積極地尋找自所要的。閱讀時也要特別留意表格、繪圖和用 特種字體排印的詞句。前二者常常是簡潔的表達出書中的意思,後者 則常常是代表內容的扼要。但是「盡信書不如無書」,我們必須評論 自己所讀的。

  對於非科學性的文章,尤其是要小心考慮作者的立場和立論。當 你發現所讀的和自己的觀點有衝突時,更應該仔細思考,找出原因。 這樣你就會漸漸的培養出健全的判斷力,更不致變成一隻蛀蟲了。


  背誦就是大聲的背念。當然死背書是無益的。但是背誦自己所理 解的功課卻是學習的好方法。閱讀的時候,應該常常背誦要點。考試 前溫習,更要多用背誦的方法。背誦使我們在讀書時不致作白日夢, 幫助我們緊記學過的功課,也常常使我們察覺,糾正一些自己原有的 錯誤觀念。


  溫習的過程和綜覽相似。綜覽一章書的時候,是用大小標題來找 出整章的大意。溫習的時候,是藉著這些標題使自己把各段的要點重 複記憶一遍。第一次的溫習應緊接著前四步的學習過程,這樣要溫習 的功課還未遺忘,而且也不多,溫習的時間就不會太長。

  最後一次的溫習是在考試之前。這一次要溫習的書很多,而且也 必須溫得熟。所以在考試前應預先規定充分的時間來學習,溫習時也 應多用背誦的方法;而且在這最後一次的溫習之前,除了第一次的溫 習之外,應該還有兩次的溫習。
會有人一直上來「跳針」 (樂奔)

Re: 給波蘭醫學生的第二堂課

發表於 : 週五 8月 07, 2009 11:34 am


03 - reading tips

SQ3R reading method
SQ3R represent? S on behalf of that Survery Overview, Q that is, Question to ask questions on behalf of, the first representative of an R or Reading Reading, R on behalf of the first two or recite Recite, No. 3 R on behalf of Review that study. In summary, SQ3R learning process on behalf of the five steps.

(1) Overview

This is the effect that the process of finding is the first step in the learning process. Because no matter what to learn, you must first understand the effect that in order to systematically study the details.

To give a brief overview of a book is not difficult, as long as the preamble and the directory will be able to see. In the preface, the author will tell you the object of his book, the purpose and scope. Read the directory, you will know the contents of the book more or less with the order and content. If you would also like to know the effect of each chapter, you see the size of each chapter title, the graphics and tables.

Each title is used to identify the central idea; If you pay attention to the size of the title and order of presentation and content of each reading, we can understand the gist of the whole chapter. Painting and tables are often used to express the meaning of or the whole, it should be in the Overview attention.

(2) ask questions

Students must ask questions. Ask questions so that we get a clear understanding of their own to learn what. And the answer will not only ask our interest in learning, we will be learning on the particularly impressed. Find out the answer to come from elsewhere than the easier to remember, and remember that even in prison.

In the Overview, you ask: "what is that?" "What is the author say?" "What the author confirmed his view?" "How should I report or thesis in the use of such information?" In this category problems. If you are now able to train myself this question often, the future will be as natural to ask when reading a habit.

(3) to read

Read There are many ways, an overview is one of them. But here the meaning is in the process of learning to understand the effect, the issues raised after reading the details. The purpose of this reading is basically in order to thoroughly understand the details of the book, but in fact are often exercises in order to answer for a report or thesis.

Therefore, the speed will not be able to read fast, but also often had to read several times in order to achieve the objectives. In the learning process, this is a step up.

This reading of the most important thing is positive. In other words, to firmly bear in mind when reading their own purposes, and actively want to find since. Should also pay special attention when reading tables, graphics and the use of special terms typographical font. The former two are often a simple expression of the meaning of the book, while the latter is often a brief on behalf of the content. However, "the letter to make the book as no book", we must comment on their reading.

For non-scientific articles, in particular the need to carefully consider the author's position and arguments. When you find the time and their views are in conflict, they should consider carefully to determine the cause. In this way, you will gradually cultivate a sense of sound, but will not turn into a moth of the.

(4) reciting

Is loudly reciting the chant. Endorsement of course death is not helpful. But by reciting their own understanding of the homework is a good way of learning. Reading, it should always recite the main points. Study before the exam, but also multi-purpose way to memorize. To recite at school so that we will not be daydreaming, to help us learn to bear in mind the homework, but also often allows us to detect and correct some errors in the original concept of their own.

(5) study

Study and an overview of the process is similar. Overview chapter of the book, it is the size of the title used to identify the effect of the whole chapter. Study, it is through these headings to the paragraphs themselves to repeat the main points of memory again. The first study should be followed before the four-step learning process, so to study the homework has not been forgotten, but not many, the time study will not be too long.

The study is the last time before the examination. The secondary study many books, but also must have cooked temperature. Therefore, before the exam requirement should be sufficient time in advance to learn, study should be used when the method of recitation; and in this the last time prior to the study, in addition to the first study, the study should have two.